Camp One Clap Day 13: Interp Survival Guide with Counselor Izzy Garcia, Ep. 2
Camp One Clap Day 12: Supplemental Sâmores, Extemp Commentary & Impromptu with Clara Luzmoor
Camp One Clap Day 11: Croc Hiking with E-Z Platform - Counselors Ella (E) and Zcherina (Z), Ep. 2
Camp One Clap Day 10: Troop Leader Talk with Counselors Bailey Patterson and Marcus Viney, Ep 2
Camp One Clap Day 9: Capture the Congress Crown with Counselor Alexis Worthen, Ep. 2
Camp One Clap Day 8: Trivia Tuesday Camp Quiz Clash Round One with Camp Counselor Londe Gagnon
Camp One Clap Day 7: Counselor Campfire Chat with Counselor Izzy Garcia - Cutting an Interp Script
Camp One Clap Day 6: Interp Survival Guide with Counselor Izzy Garcia, Ep. 1 - The Pre-Season
Camp One Clap Day 5: Supplemental Sâmores - Original Spoken Word Poetry with Counselor Beau Annon
Camp One Clap Day 4: Croc Hiking with E-Z Platform - Counselors Ella (E) and Zcherina (Z), ep. 1
Camp One Clap Day 3: Troop Leader Talk with Counselors Bailey Patterson and Marcus Viney, Ep. 1
Camp One Clap Day 2: Capture the Congress Crown with Counselor Alexis Worthen
Camp One Clap Day 2: Professor Graham and Kevin's ABC's of Debate, Introduction
Camp One Clap Day 1: Counselor Campfire Chat with Expository NSDA National Champ Josh Thompson
CAMP ONE CLAP - coming August 2023!