The sun shines bright on another day of Camp One Clap! Debaters! Get out your notebooks and get ready to learn from the best. Counselor Adrian Graham and his buddy Kevin are about to drop some knowledge in his series: Professor Graham and Kevin's ABC's of Debate! 🏕️👏🔤

Adrian Graham is a Grade A+ goon and assistant coach at Laramie High School. He is a 3x national qualifier from Cheyenne East, and Wyoming State Champion in both Policy Debate and Extemporaneous Speaking. Currently a junior at the University of Wyoming, he is studying to become a history teacher. Adrian is joining Camp One Clap as, ‘Professor Graham,’ teaching a slew of debate terms to help you on your journey to be the best, like no-one ever was.
Debaters, rejoice! Here is the introduction of Counselor Adrian's highly anticipated video series:
Thanks to Professor Graham and his buddy, Kevin, for some Debate ABC's action. I can't wait to learn all about A for ADVANTAGE in tomorrows episode!
Tomorrow, there’s also more excitement at camp: The first episode of Troop Leader Talk with Counselor Marcus Viney and Counselor Bailey Patterson will go live! Troop Leader Talk explores what it means to lead your troop (as a coach) and prepare students to navigate the world with clarity, courage, and the spirit of a true champion.
Camp One Clap Social Media Challenge for Day 2 of Camp:
Speech and Debate Photo Challenge! Post a series of photos or collage of photos capturing some of your favorite Speech and Debate moments.
Remember, each challenge is an opportunity to connect, learn, and grow within the Speech and Debate community. I'll be posting my answers on the One Clap Speech and Debate TikTok channel! Be sure to tag our social media accounts or use the hashtag #CampOneClap23 when you post. If you post for at least 20 days of August, I will send you a holographic Camp One Clap Sticker. If you post for all 31 days of August, I will send you a variety of One Clap and Camp One Clap stickers, a One Clap Speech and Debate coaster, AND a Camp One Clap magnet!
If you want to support the One Clap Speech and Debate Podcast, become a patron here:
Get your cool One Clap Speech and Debate merchandise here (I will be adding Camp One Clap merchandise soon!):
Check out the 2023 August Wyoming Speech and Debate Newsletter from One Clap: