On today's Speech Love episode of One Clap Speech and Debate, good friend of the podcast, YuYu Yuan dropped in for an extended chat with a focus on Original Oratory to compliment the two speeches she has previously shared on the podcast. The four-year Cheyenne East Thunderbird and two time Wyoming State Champion PF debater, as well as a State Champion in Original Oratory, actually spoke with me quite a while ago (I mean like way back in the summer... sorry, YuYu!), but I’m glad to finally have the opportunity to share our conversation.

We all know YuYu as the co-host of the Half Hour - the extemporaneous speaking focused podcast that now has 26 episodes. In two previously aired Speech Spotlight episodes, YuYu shared two awesome oratories: “Naming Our Identity” and “Are You Sick of Me Yet?” In this episode, YuYu goes into depth about these oratories.
Additionally, YuYu discussed her Speech and Debate story - how she got involved in this world and what makes her continue to invest so much of herself in the activity and community. She talked about what she loves about Original Oratory, gave some great advice for others pursuing a great oratory, and also specifically discussed the inception, the development, and the speaking moves in the two oratories that she shared with us on the Speech Spotlight. We also discussed giving back to the speech and debate community and the unparalleled deliciousness of ramen.
Don't miss YuYu's Speech Spotlight Episodes!
Naming Our Identity
Are You Sick of Me Yet?
Thanks so much to YuYu for coming on the podcast and being such an incredible contributer to our Speech and Debate community over the years. I am so grateful for YuYu's contributions to One Clap Speech and Debate!
YuYu Yuan - Quick Bio: Cheyenne East Competitor for 4 years, Won 1st Place in Oratory at James Logan, 3-time National Qualifier, and a State Champion - in Public Forum Debate twice and in Original Oratory. Attending Stanford University. Co-host of The Half Hour Podcast and Youtube show.
If you have an idea or a request for One Clap Speech and Debate, shoot me an email at lylewiley@gmail.com.
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