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Rock On! Debate: 5 Common LD Debate Feedback Notes from State/District Rounds w/ Coach Lawrence Zhou

University of Wyoming Debate assistant coach, Team Wyoming head coach, and 2014 NSDA National Champion in Lincoln-Douglas Debate - Lawrence Zhou is back to guest host for this episode of Rock On! Debate. Lawrence arrived at the 2022 Wyoming State Tournament and then the Wind River District Tournament only to judge round after round of debates and various other events. He kept track of the feedback he gave debate competitors and noticed some trends. In this episode, Lawrence shares out the five most common pieces of feedback he doled out for Lincoln-Douglas Debaters from these culminating tournaments.


Helpful Related Links from Lawrence:

Wyoming Debate Roundup:

Debating Traditionally Lecture Series:

Thank you so much to Lawrence for sharing this feedback and these resources with Lincoln-Douglas Debaters out there looking to improve their craft!


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It is time for some shoutouts - thank you to everyone who is a patron of One Clap Speech and Debate! Your kind gifts help me keep this show going. Thank you so much to Marcus, Londe, Debbie, Missy, Ashley S, Ashley M, Beth, Laura, Brenda, Aaron, Terry, Tina, Allen, Matt, Joel, Aaron, Rick, and Izzy for your continued support! Check out our patreon page (HERE) if you’d like to join in support of One Clap Speech and Debate and partner with me on this journey!

Debaters, don’t stop Rockin’!


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