Hey, debaters! University of Wyoming Debate assistant coach, Team Wyoming coach, and 2014 NSDA National Champion in Lincoln-Douglas Debate - Lawrence Zhou is the guest host for this episode of Rock On! Debate. In this quick episode, Lawrence reflects on the January/February 2022 Lincoln-Douglas debate topic (Resolved: The appropriation of outer space by private entities is unjust.) as it was debated at some recent tournaments. Lawrence offers three observations about how this topic has played out so far including some thoughts about the importance of the word “unjust” and how to think through what “appropriation” means.
Thank you to Lawrence for sharing these helpful thoughts with Lincoln-Douglas Debaters out there preparing for the new 2022 topic!
Resources/Links from Lawrence:
Team Wyoming: https://wyodebateroundup.weebly.com/team-wyoming.html
Appropriation Includes Resources: https://kar.kent.ac.uk/1767/1/Imagine%2520There%2520are%2520No%2520Possessions.pdf
Appropriation Doesn’t Include Resources: https://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/jil/vol51/iss1/11
Common Heritage Principle: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-and-comparative-law-quarterly/article/abs/legal-implications-of-the-concept-of-the-common-heritage-of-mankind/27C87188CE97BA536F9FE5DD8E048C78
Property Rights Good: https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/njilb/vol20/iss1/7
Shout outs: thank you to everyone who is a patron of One Clap Speech and Debate. Your kind gifts help me keep this show going. Thank you to Marcus, Londe, Debbie, Missy, Ashley S, Ashley M, Beth, Laura, Brenda, Aaron, Terry, Tina, Allen, Matt, and Joel for your continued support. Check out our patreon page (HERE) if you’d like to join in support of One Clap Speech and Debate and partner with me on this journey. The One Clap December Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1naSnRR8eHDRtROvjJuDsc5yKubM_DHxLeDQplMVwXw8/edit
If you have an idea or a request for Rock On Debate, shoot me an email at lylewiley@gmail.com or reach out on the website or social media. Debaters, don’t stop Rockin’!
Our One Clap and Wyoming Speech and Debate community mourns with the Kramer family and the many others who loved and appreciated Mack Kramer - a Rock Springs and University of Wyoming debater who was tragically taken away from us too soon. Mack was a kind, hard-working, hilarious, brilliant soul, and they will be deeply missed. Rest in peace, Mack.